Kings Island 2025

Trip Overview 

MS/HS Band, and HS Choir Trip to Kings Island

Trip Timeline

-Students arrive at school at 5:30am

-Bus departs GCCS at 5:45am

-Arrive at Competition Site at 7:15am

(Princeton High School  100 Viking Way Cincinnati, OH 45246)

-Depart Competition Site at 9:15pm

-Arrive at Kings Island at 10:00am

-Depart Kings Island at 8pm

-Arrive at GCCS at 9:30pm

Permission Slip

Online Permission Slip:

Due: 3/4/25

Signing the form signifies that you are responsible for payment.

Cost and Payment Info

Total Cost: Coming Soon (this includes contest registration for students, a ticket into the park, and bussing)

Due dates:

$40 due by 3/4/25

Remainder due by 3/31/25

To make a payment, call the finance office or turn in a check to Mr. Claassen or Mrs. Aleshire. ALL CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE OUT TO GCCS BAND BOOSTERS.

There will be no refunds on payments made.

Students are responsible for bringing money for food.

Packing List

Kings Island Packing List 2025

Trip Expectations

GCCS Music Guidelines for Day Trips (Updated Spring 2023)

Student Group Sign Up

Fill out this Sign Up Genius by: 4/28/25, or you will be assigned a group:

Coming Soon